Saturday, July 25, 2015

Smitten Quilt - My English Paper Piecing Adventure - Part 3

Every time I make a new hexie it becomes my new favourite.  I am just loving every single stitch that is going into this quilt.

One of the questions I have been asked a lot is "What does the back look like".  There have been many questions about my seam allowance, glue basting versus thread basting and lots more.
Here is a pic of the back of one of my Hexes.  I find the 1/4 in seam allowance on the templates that I have been cutting is plenty for my paper piecing.  I am glue basting and if you have any trouble with the glue not releasing from the papers there may be a couple of things you can do.  Firstly make sure you are not using to much glue.  Glue on the paper (not the fabric) but not too close to the edge.  If you can't release the fabric from the paper try ironing the shape to "relax" the glue.  The steam will help release the paper and fabric.

With all the Large Hexagons now finished it is time to work on the smaller Hexies.  These are great fun and I have tried to work out which colours I need to add more of and add more of those fabrics in.

Which is your favourite Hexie so far? Who else is making a Smitten?

Jemima x x


  1. Loving seeing these come together. It's kind of helping me get over the fact that I haven't worked on mine for what feels like a crazy long time. I think the girl with the umbrella and scotty dog is my favourite so far. <3

    1. Thanks Angie - I am pretty sure that when you do get back to yours it is going to be epic!

  2. I found this pattern through your Instagram account this week, and will be taking be plunge. I'm new to EPP, but have no fear!

    Your work is truly lovely; thanks for the motivation to try something new.

    Jlynn, -- Washington, DC

    1. Thanks Jlynn for your kind words. So glad you are going to give it a go. I am sure you will love it. I will keep posting any tips I find helpful along the way.

  3. Hi Jemima, just found your blog which is very informative. I love the work you have done on Smitten. Do you have any problems matching the fabrics colour-wise or did you purchase fabric kit? I find it hard matching fabrics, but maybe I am just worrying too much. I find hexagons very addictive and so enjoyable to do. Will keep checking in on your progress. Thank you for your tutorials too.

  4. Hi Suzi, it is very kind of you to ay such lovely things. When I started I went and pick a large range of fabrics that I liked for Smitten. I then went home and added several pieces from my stash. I think just plunge in and as you go you will get more confident with your colour choices and where it is going. Just remember to pick colours and fabrics you like. You will enjoy it much more if the fabrics make you happy.

  5. I know this is an older post, but I am going to start on Smitten in January and just came across your posts. Your blocks are lovely and your posts so helpful!


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