Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Some Progress and a Birthday Quilt

This week I have spent some time putting together some Christmas ideas!! Now before you say it is only April and Christmas is still forever away, I have had some people ask what things I will be bringing out for Christmas. So as I like to be organised and Christmas is one of my favourite times of the year it has been fun playing with ideas with a festive feel. I will show you more as my plans and creations come to life.

Also on the sewing table this week have been some Mr and Mrs Monsters that have needed sewing and stuffing. What started as a pile of these :

Are now looking like this waiting to be stuffed!

A quilt that I have been working on for well over a year now is this Chelsea Bloom Lap Quilt. Usually I am a little quicker at putting together quilts but this one is special. My friend moved to America about 18months ago and I wanted to make her a quilt to remind her that I am always thinking of her even if she was far away. So I started putting all the blocks together and she received the first pieces of them last year on her birthday. Each month on her birthday number I posted some more blocks until they were all sent. If you have ever lived away from family and friends then I know you will understand the joy at receiving parcels in the post from afar. At Christmas she returned home for a visit and brought me back all the blocks to put together. And while this has taken a little longer to sew together I know she understands that it has been a busy year.

So here is a peak for you Katrina at what will soon be your finished quilt. I hope you like it.

1 comment:

  1. This present is officially the best one I have ever received-so thoughtful and also so beautiful! I loved getting the pieces in the mail each month-you really are a wonderful friend to have. Good luck with your opening night in May-just so sad I cant be there to support you. Love Kat xx


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