
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Not much sewing going on around here!

Well since the Upmarket I have battled.  Battled to get on top of this flu, battled to find the bottom of the ironing basket and battled to get anywhere near my sewing machine or sewing of any kind.

I have spent much of the week sorting, rearranging, tidying up, and doing bookwork.  My sewing room was in desperate need of an over haul and this mess has had a makeover after several trips to Ikea

I have such grand plans for all the sewing I would like to get done but I feel a little defeated at the moment.

There has been some sewing with this Christmas tree decoration getting finished.  I have had the plans in my head for a while. With many orders to complete I am going to have to get a move on. 

Another thing that has taken alot of my time is looking into Online options for my shop.  I have been researching all the different ways to sell online and with many to choose its hard to decide.  I think I will go down the Etsy line.  I have set up the shop and profile,  now all I need to do is to fill it with items so hopefully by my next post I will have some great opening news for my online shop. 

1 comment:

  1. Hope you are feeling better and feeling energised soon. I am sure your room is very organised :).
    Frustration starts to build when you cant get to what you want to do so hope you can soon.
    Sending hugs.


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