
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A clean room - finally and a GIVEAWAY!

Well at least now I can work in my sewing room!  While the amount of sewing still is no where near optimum, I can now see the floor and have space to work.  I like to be organised as those who know me could well say so.  Being in a state of chaos just causes me angst. 

I have worked on some little projects this week  like this custom order brooch.
And this special quilt is now finished.  If you have read my earlier posts then you may recognise this quilt that was under my sewing machine at the time.  This quilt belongs to my friend Katrina.  I hope she likes it.  It has been a well travelled quilt as once I finished hand sewing a set of blocks I would send them to her in the mail (all the way over to America).  When she came home last Christmas a large pile of squares was given back to me, to be all sewn up into this Chelsea Bloom Quilt. 

Last post I said how it was my goal for the week to get my little online shop "Online".  Well I did in the end achieve this.  I have set up an Etsy shop - there is a link on the side bar.  I have listed a small number of items at this stage and as the weeks go on I will continue to add new items in my shop.  Go and have a look at .

To celebrate this big milestone I am having my first Giveaway. 

 If you would like to win this Notebook Keeper sewn by me:

1. To enter leave a comment on this post (one comment only please).
2. Leave a comment before Wednesday 21st July and I will announce the winner in my next post.
3. I will post anywhere so if you live internationally you may also enter.
4. I will use the random number generator to pick a winning comment number.

EDIT - Giveaway is now closed


  1. Congratulations on opening your new etsy shop! It looks great, I really love the cushions you make and the heart needle books are so sweet. :) x

  2. Hey. Congratulations on the clean, tidy room and most importantly for your Etsy shop. I'm sure it will be a huge success. Love your heart needle books.

  3. Hi Jemima. Great Blog and Congratulations on your shop. Glad I found you :-) All the best. Claire

  4. Hi Jaie, just wanted to say that Im very excited by all your progress over the last few months since I saw you last. The upmarket stall looked great and your sewing room is looking fab. Felicity xx

  5. Hi Jemima. Congratulations on your new milestone. The blog is great and the online shop looks fantastic. Love and best wishes from your friend and great supporter.

  6. Hi just popped over to say hello and congrats on your Etsy store.
    PS just read your email about Saturday sewing cant make it this time but one time I will make it to something I promise so keep reminding me.

  7. Hi Jemima..............Will see you Sunday for the sewing session, but many congratulations on all your progress, since being at your launch. Your sewing room is way more tidy then mine.......very jealous. Love reading your blog and seeing what's new. Can I speak to you on Sunday about an apron for my friend, as it's her birthday soon. Keep up the good work. Denise (Carly's friend)


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