
Friday, March 4, 2016

Bunny Bag - Sewing Tutorial

Easter is always such a fun time for all the family to celebrate.  With Easter Egg Hunts and Chocolate to share these sweet Bunny Bags are not only a lovely gift to make but also quick to sew up.  Make these for all your friends and family and they can be filled with what ever treats you like.

Fat 1/8th Linen
Fat 1/8th Trim/Lining Fabric
3.5in x 4.5in fabric for Bunny
2in x 17in strip for Tie
Size 18 Bias Tape Maker
Fusible Web
Coloured Cotton Thread
Sewing Machine with 1/4in foot
General sewing supplies

As per cutting Instructions from Pattern. 

Step 1
Print out Pattern templates.

Step 2

Trace your Bunny shape onto your Fusible web with a lead pencil.  Press onto the back of Bunny fabric (following the Manufactures instructions).  Cut out on the pencil line.

Step 3
Press your Bunny shape onto the centre of your Bunny Bag front Linen.  Stick around your Bunny in your favourite Applique stitch.  I have used a Triple stitch on my machine to create a Raw Edge Applique look to my design.  You can use a Blanket stitch or hand sew it if you prefer.

Step 4
Pin and sew the Trim pieces to the top of the Linen Front and Back pieces.  Press seams towards the darker fabric.

Step 5
Using the Bias Tape maker, make the Tie by feeding the strip through the tape maker and pressing as you go.  Press the entire strip in half once finished.

Step 6
Machine stitch the open edges closed of your Tie and tie knots in each end.

Step 7

Fold your Tie in half and placing it about 1in down from the bottom edge of the Trim and so that the fold is on the are edge.  Stitch in place to hold.

Step 8 
Take the Linen Front and Back pieces and to each sew a Lining fabric piece along the top straight edges.  Press seams open.

Step 9
Take the pieces and match the front with the back and two lining pieces together.  Pin around your bag.  Sew 1/4in around the outside of the bag leaving a gap in the side of the lining (as indicated between the two Blue Pins).  Make sure your tie is in the middle so that you do not sew it into the seam allowance.

Step 10
Turn bag out the right way through the gap in the lining.  Sew the gap closed.  Sew a topstitch around the top edge of the bag.  Fill with lots of treats.

I would love to see the Bunny bags you make - use the hashtag - #tiedwitharibbonpatterns so that I can see your own makes.  

Happy Sewing
Jemima x 

This Tutorial is for Personal use only.


  1. Thank you Jemima for this adorable, FREE tutorial! I couldn't resist the urge to make a few myself, and wrote about it on my newest blog post. Check it out:

  2. I really like all your tutorials. Thank you very much


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